Chotya Bayochi Motthi Swapn: Actress Vijaya Babar will play the role of Bayo!

Dealing with a different topic of determination for education and love for dreams, the series ' Khete Biochi Motthi Swapnam ' came to the attention of the audience. In the series 'Chhotya Biochi Bighi Swapnam' we get to see Bio's education journey. In this series we get to see Bio's unique journey of determination for education. This series is based on Bio, who dreams of becoming a doctor after studying a lot. We will get to see how Bio will move forward with his father after his mother's separation. But now the series is going to move forward with some time. Bio will now be seen grown up in the serial. She is now enrolled in Mumbai and is going to study in a science college in Mumbai. And now we will see the talented actress Vijaya Babar in the role of Bola Bio .Chotya Bayochi Motthi Swapn)

Now this series is taking a leap of a few years and the short bio is going to be big. Therefore, the plot of the serial will also be seen to take a turn. Now in the series, we will see how Bio adapts to the pace of Mumbai after coming to Mumbai. Mumbai- An ordinary girl living in Konkan dreams of becoming a doctor and makes her way towards it. There are many forks in her tough journey. But she overcomes it and moves on. This story is from the serial Koka Vai Koi Koda Swapna on Sony Marathi channel. Now other actors along with Bio will be new in the series. Actress Rucha Gaikwad will be seen  in the role of Eera.

Along with that, the actor Ojas Marathe will also be seen in the serial. It will be interesting to see how Bio will study in the medical college and how she will adapt to the environment here in Mumbai and fulfill her dream of becoming a doctor. The serial will see a grown-up Bayo and now we will see how this turn in Bayo's life will help her further.( Chotya Bayochi Motthi Swapn )


Also Read: 'Saavali Hoin Sukhachi' New Series Coming Soon


Bio from Konkan can be seen gardening in Mumbai. Now coming out of her world, it will be interesting to see how she will face the obstacles at this point in her life. It will be interesting to see how Bio's dream of becoming a doctor will come true. Big Bio's next journey in 'Chhotya Biochi Biga Swapna' will tell us Mon. That's Sat. 8.30 pm It will be available to watch on Sony Marathi channel.

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