So Shyam's mother is like this!


The most emotional, tender and sensitive part of human existence is his relationship with his mother! A mother is the person most taken for granted and given equal respect. In all relationships, who is the most sensitive, emotional and caring person for you, your mother. She wants her son to be a good person and to be well known by other people. For this, the sesame seeds are breaking. (Shyamchi Aai)

Mother is most responsible for what we grow up to be. Whether it is saying sorry to someone or saluting God or respecting elders, she teaches us humility, humanity and truthfulness. So far, many works of art have been created keeping the mother as the focus. In many places, mother was deified and her humanity was taken away. But this film has brought us a beautiful story of mother as a human being. (Shyamchi Aai)

The basic story of the film is that Sane Guruji gets imprisoned and writes a book called 'Shyam Chi Ai' while in jail. Guruji tells the story of Shyam's childhood to the jail inmates which is based on Guruji's real life. During the British era, a boy named Shyam lives with his family in a small village in Konkan. His father along with his 2 younger brothers works as a carpenter. Shyamala has two brothers and an elder sister.

Both the younger brothers of the father colluded against him and transferred all the properties and lands in their own names. The poverty of this family starts from there. In such a situation, children's education starts to suffer and parents are working hard to overcome it. Shyam is studying in different villages, following his mother's teaching that no matter what happens, he should not give up his education. He does various small jobs to support his education and his own expenses. In this dire situation, Shyam and mother's relationship goes through different emotional worlds. (Shyamchi Aai)

In today's times, if there is even a little bit of difficulty, the moral is put on the dhaba and the soppa immoral path is chosen and it is given cute names like being practical or taking care of the world. During that time, Shyam's mother becomes his mother and emphasizes the importance of morality. The choice of actress Gauri Deshpande seems to be very appropriate. He has portrayed many forms in a very wonderful way, like Karari, strict but loving, and everyone's life. He has used the voice and the eyes to the fullest and to the right extent. Sandeep Pathak fits perfectly in the role of Shyam's father.

Sandeep Pathak's comedic actor image is not felt at all here, he is so in harmony with the role. The childhood Shyam is played by Sharva Gadgil and he has poured his soul into it. Kumar age Shyam is played by 'Kota Factory' fame Mayur More. The director of this film, Sujay Dahake, has found the tone he lost from the last few films. (Shyamchi Aai)

Sunil Sukthankar, the screenwriter of the film, cannot be praised enough. From the book 'Shyamchi Ai', he has selected such incidents that are relevant today. One has to appreciate the mature way in which the subject of mother has been handled by the senior director in the role of writer. While making a film on this subject, Reiter does not resist the temptation to sentimentalize or put the mother on a pedestal but presents Shyam's mother as a 25-year-old daughter who takes care of the whole family and tries to make her children a good person. (Shyamchi Aai)


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The film is made in black and white. Cinematographer Vijay Mishra's work has been quite impressive. When a film is black and white, the main focus is on the characters. There is not much for the cinematographer to do but the way he has created the magic with the combination of space, light, moderate camera movement makes us feel like we are unknowingly walking into Shyam's house and watching everything. Editor B Mahanteshwar has taken all the emotions and content of the story to a different height by using long takes and slow cuts.

If you hear the name of the movie 'Shyamchi Ai' and you directly think of the old movie or are in a mood to compare it with that movie, then stop. There is a huge difference in the period in which both the films were made and by the directors. It is not about who is superior and who is inferior, but with time, there has been a difference in the production and story of each film. Artifact Media gives four out of five stars for its beautiful combination of content, acting, cinematography, editing.

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